Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 23-26, 2014
Beaufort SC, Thunderbolt GA, New Teakettle Creek, GA to Fernandina Beach FL

Well, so much for the rule about doing the blog update before happy hour each day!  Our only excuse is that we were busy sightseeing in Savannah.

For the first 2 days our weather was once again just about perfect.
Beaufort SC Sunset

A Savannah Pirate wannabe
 The next day we docked in Thunderbolt, GA, (supposedly named by the Indians after a giant (guess what) struck the area.  I think the settlers (Oglethorp and crew) arrived shortly thereafter and probably took credit for it.

Thunderbolt is really a Savannah suburb and only about a 10 minute drive into downtown.  Savannah is really easily toured by one of the many trolley tours that go round and round the historic district.  But it is amazingly a difficult city to capture in photos, as the whole is so beautiful.  Even the professional postcard photographers don't come close.

The most important part of Savannah may be the food.  We both fondly remember from years past Mrs. Wilkes Dining Room.   then there is the LONG meal, served family style:

Then there is the LOOOONG meal inside, served family style!  The fried chicken is the best we have ever had.

Thunderbolt Sunset
 Last night we anchored out at New Teakettle Creek, same place we stopped last June. 
Sunset at New Teakettle Creek
 If we had been docked somewhere we would probably have stayed put today, as we woke to rain.  However, we wanted to get to a certain spot (Little Mud River) by high tide at 8am so we hauled anchor and moved out early.  Unfortunately it rained (lightly) all day so ruined our good-weather record. 

 It is very wet, cold and dreary behind the wheel, as the isinglass curtain (window) has to be open in order to see out.
But Carol can be very inventive when it comes to her comfort, (note the plastic bag covering her legs) not to mention trying to protect a new and very expensive chartplotter.  Mal is too proud a mariner to resort to such a thing.

We are now in Fernandina Beach, one of our favorite hangouts, and looking forward to dinner at South 29, a hit last year.   Weather looks somewhat better tomorrow but not perfect.  We shall see.

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