Monday, February 18, 2013

Charleston SC to Beaufort SC

We have fallen behind on our postings!  The weather kept us in Beaufort NC for a couple of days, but we arrived in Charleston SC on Thursday and spent the weekend, enjoying this truly unique southern city.  In some ways it is a Southeast version of San Francisco, with many great homes of the same era and an important shipping port.  Great restaurants (great oysters!)

The "Megadocks" at the Charleston City Marina are about 1100 ft long, which means you could probably fit 50 boats one after another lengthwise.  The photo does not do it justice, but you can see the pilings lined up, further than you can see in the distance.

 Today we spent about 5 hours on a gorgeous day on the water, and arrived in Beaufort (Bew-fort) SC, another lovely southern town, very similar to Georgetown SC.  Had a great dinner at Luthers' (ribs, burgers and fish.)

The two men aboard keep complaining about how fast Carol wants to go, and how much fuel is being used at her preferred speed.  She thinks that Twilight Time handles much better at 2200 rpms.   What's a lousy 28 gallons of diesel per hour @$4.16 per gallon??   Cheapskates!!

Early tomorrow morning we are headed for Hilton Head, hoping to arrive before a late afternoon/evening rain storm.  Weather forecast has two good days after that.  The weather is getting a little warmer every day.  Hurray!!

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